
Paper Guidelines

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Paper guidelines

Times New Roman

Title 14 Punto,

Author title and surname 12 Punto,

Institution, Orcid and e-mail addresses and abstract text 10 pt,

Other words text 12 Punto,

Single Row range,

The margins are 2.5 cm.

The abstracts should be loaded into the system in word format,

Author's name, surname, title, institution, e-mail address and phone number should be written.

Click on the link below to download the summary example and CEO abstract writing rules.

(summary example)

(CEO Abstract Writing Rules).

It is recommended that abstracts should not exceed maximum 2 pages and full texts should not exceed maximum 10 pages of full texts.


Suggested Full Text Subtitle subheadings;


  1. Abstract with title in Turkish and English (the purpose, method and most important findings of the study should be included). Well, it should be 4-5 key words.
  2. Introduction (the nature of the study, the purpose and the research questions from which the course is going to go, what additional contributions it can provide).
  3. Theoretical Framework (summarize the relevant literature on the topic of the study).
  4. Method (basic approach of research, main mass, sample, data collection method and information about scales).
  5. Findings and Discussion (analysis of data, discussion of findings obtained by associating with the theoretical framework, and expected findings and evaluations for those studies that have not yet been completed).
  6. Conclusions and Recommendations (The conclusions that are to be made in relation to the theoretical framework of the conclusions or ongoing findings should include the proposals made by the practitioner and / or researcher for the expected benefits of the study).

Referencess (to be prepared according to the APA system).



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